Summer Vines at Chrysalis Vineyards


The vineyard has sprung to life and bloom is not far away. With the abundance of rain lately the vineyard is pushing shoots ranging anywhere from 6 -12 inches.  It is wonderful to see the vigorous growth of a new growing season, but constant care is always required. Before bloom the crew focuses on shoot thinning. We select the healthiest, strongest shoots to encourage quality fruit development. Once shoot thinning is finished the crew turns their attention to training the new shoots through the various catch wires.

Our vinifera varieties are actually planted on a trellis system called “Vertical Shoot Position”, or VSP for short. This particular system trains the shoot to grow up through a series of wires that help keep it in a vertical position, hence the name.  This trellis system helps with sunlight and ensuring uniform fruit development. 

Our Norton is grown on a separate trellis system called “Geneva Double Curtain”, GDC for short. Norton is Virginia’s grape and like most native varieties it grows vigorously. GDC assits in managing Norton’s dense canopy by splitting the growth horizontally over the top and allowing sunlight to reach the interior of the canopy, thus encouraging proper fruit development. As the shoots grow over the wire and eventually towards the ground, they form a “curtain” that creates shade for the fruit during the early and late parts of the day when photosynthesis is not occurring as much.